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Athletes and Coaches

You've been through the hard work, the dedication, the countless hours of perfecting and honing your craft to get to where you are today, and you are truly blessed with the results. But you also have a tremendous platform, an even greater blessing, to share with others the faith you have in Jesus Christ and what the Lord has done in your life.


We work with kids on a regular basis that need to hear your story, your testimony, of salvation through faith in Christ. We are all called to "Go into all world and preach the Good News to all creation," and you can have the opportunity to exercise your Great Commission efforts and goals through Christian Sports International and our sports programs.


In these hard, confusing, and trying times, your message of Faith, Hope, and Love can make all the difference in the lives of today's youth.


Contact us today here and let's talk about how you can positively affect the lives of kids and their families for eternity.

I want to share my faith with kids...

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